Title: Methodology for industrial bioreactor design via multiobjective optimization based on performance parameters calculated by CFD techniques
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been used in several studies for the study of fluid dynamics parameters that can influence the performance of the chemical process involved, such as shear stress, velocity profiles, residence time and the influence of these parameters on the reactor geometry. However, there are lacks of studies that utilize optimization techniques coupled with the numerical resolution of the fluid dynamic problem. The use of optimization algorithms has been reported in some cases, but there have not been reports on studies combining the optimization of flow parameters and multiobjective algorithms to choose ideal geometric parameters applied to the equipment of the sugar-energy industry. In this context, this research project aims to contribute to the advancement of scientific and technological knowledge through the implementation of open source software (PyCFD-O) for the CFD-optimization coupling and the development of the bases of a methodology for optimal design and operation of industrial scale bioreactors and PBR.
PhD thesis download (Portuguese) LINK
ANSONI, J. L.; SELEGHIM JR., P., Optimal industrial reactor design: development of a multiobjective optimization method based on a posteriori performance parameters calculated from CFD flow solutions, Advances in Engineering Software (In press), 2015.
ANSONI, J. L.; SELEGHIM JR., P., Design of a continuous bioreactor via multiobjective optimization coupled with CFD modeling. (Ext. Abstract) In: 9th OpenFOAM Workshop, 2014, Zagreb, Croatia. Available: LINK.
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